The Rum Runnas Podcast

Kyle: "Never take legal advice from Jarred."

Jarred: "I just gave the advice of don't do it."

Kyle: "YOU also said that you should definitely fight your attackers under any situation."

Jarred: "No I said if you're going to, use close-up magic to disorient them."

Kyle: "HAHAHAHA...This is not a legal advice show."

We Read the Clickbait So You Don’t Have To!

Have you ever been on Facebook and seen a story that seems too crazy to be true? Well, trust us it most likely is! But that’s what we’re here for.

We are the Comedy News Show that no one knew that they actually needed. Every week Jarred and Kyle jump into the weirdest and funniest news articles from all over the internet, giving their own brand of off-the-cuff humor while trying their hardest to decipher: news stories so poorly written that there’s no way a professional news syndication published it (we’re looking at you Fox News), or crimes so dumb that it seems impossible a person actually chose to commit them, and of course stories so NSFW that you’ll blush just listening to us explain it (and it happens a lot)!

We find out if there’s actually more to a story than just a headline, we click on those links you’re too nervous to click on, and we waste our time so you don’t waste yours. So listen to us waste your time because in the end…it's funny!